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Monday, November 19, 2018

Restart Dexcom G6 sensor on just your phone

How to restart your G6 sensor with just your phone and no x2 pump.

1. Phone alarms for 6 hours left on the sensor.

2. Go to the picture folder I keep on my phone for the current sensor code or wherever you have yours written down.

3. Turn phone side ways/landscape vie of the graph to wait for a brand new b.g. reading. If you hold finger on current dot/bg reading it will tell you the time it received the reading.

4. Wait one minute.

5. Press stop sensor on phone.

6. Still on your phone press new sensor, enter code, press start.

7. Watch for blue circle start up graph to appear then quickly shut off blue tooth and leave it OFF. You MUST do this in the time frame between when your transmitter is NOT giving data to your phone.  So move through these steps quickly!  Then go into settings and be sure it shows your insertion time.  If it doesnt show anything you shut your blue tooth off too quickly.  Turn it back on and wait for the blue circle for the countdown to show up again.  Then check settings and see if it now shows insertion time.  Then shut blue tooth off again.  Be sure to keep doing these steps as quickly as you can. 

8. Set timer on phone for 2 hrs 10 mins.

9. Enjoy having readings on your Dexcom receiver if you use it as well otherwise you will not have readings for 2 hours like if it was a new sensor.

10. Timer goes off on your phone if you have your Dexcom receiver on and getting readings I would shut it off before you turn your phone blue tooth back on to make sure it doesn't screw up your phone app somehow.  I would then wait another 10 minutes just to be safe.

11. Turn on blue tooth on your phone.

12. Open Dexcom app.  Watch phone say it has lost signal, then go to 5 min remaining and thennnnn.....

13. Your bg readings reappear on your Dexcom app and it should say set up complete.

14.  Turn Dexcom receiver back on again if you are using it and it should just join the sensor session on your phone.

15. Tada! I hope that helps!

You can do all of this backwards and do a new session on just the Dexcom receiver but then you need to put the receiver in your microwave to block the bluetooth signal or get a Faraday bag.  Then you would keep getting readings on your phone instead.


  1. does this really work? can you do a quick video explaining it? I am desperate and am on my last sensor until december 10th!

    1. Sorry for my delayed comment posting, I somehow missed this. Sorry I have not done any video production or posting ever on my blog. Also, yes, it works for me with very little issues. Sometimes I have to do it twice.

    2. Tried it 4 times never worked! Everything after the 2 hours it comes back saying signaL lost then says. No restarts need new sensor


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