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Thursday, December 13, 2018

So I switched back to xdrip+

#Diabetes #Dexcom #TandemDiabetes #Type1Diabetes #dsma #xdrip+

So I decided to switch back to xdrip+ for a few different reasons.

Going back many months ago I used the xdrip+ app because Dexcom and FDA were taking 8 million years to get the Android Dexcom app approved. I liked the app back then but I switched to the Dexcom app when it came out.

Now this month I redownloaded the xdrip+ app and got it up and running, it was pretty easy since I knew my way around the app.

I decided to take the leap to xdrip+ again because I was tired of messing around with restarts and because I was really really missing my Pebble watch that died. All the current Android watches are just way too flipping BIG!  So on Black Friday I got a Fitbit Versa, which was also what I asked my husband to get me for my birthday. I just wanted to wait for Black Friday prices. 

So I got the app all loaded up and running and got the Glance watchface downloaded and running and I was happy as a clam! I love my watch and I love the app.  I really love having my bgs on my wrist!

Xdrip+ is far superior in my opinion. You can input your carb ratios and all the stuff you have set up on your pump into xdrip+ and if you utilize it, it will predict what your blood sugar will do or how many carbs you need to eat to cover a low. It is insane! I LOVE IT!

Then, last Sunday while out to lunch I looked at my pump.  It had the start up dexcom graph on it! I freaked out momentarily and then looked at xdrip+ and it said please wait sensor warming up or whatever it says. I had clicked the setting to not let my sensors expire and it freaking worked!!! Omg I almost jumped out of my seat for joy! My pump just followed right along and my session started up just like a new one on my pump, I didnt have to do ONE DARN THING!!! AHHHHMAAAAAZING!!  It was awesome!

I like the Versa watch a lot and I do like its features to help me stay on track health wise.  I also LOVE how small it is.

You can download and read about xdrip+ here:

Under releases click the latest one and then assests and download the apk file.

There is an xdrip support group on facebook. If you search for xdrip you should be able to find it.

Iphone users can download the Spike app. Go here to read about it:

I do not own an Apple phone so I am unable to assist with that app.

So far Im not regretting switching again and my followers can still follow me with xdrip+.

I hope this has helped some of you on the fence about switching apps.  Keep on beating the Diabeast back!

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