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Tuesday, December 18, 2018

12 hour battle to get a newly inserted sensor that failed to work!

#Diabetes #Dexcom #TandemDiabetes #Type1Diabetes #dsma #xdrip+

I've had a 12 hour battle with my new dexcom sensor, first it said I was 53 for hours, (at 10pm) then I calibrated because it almost tipped the insanity scale.  It kept asking for a calibration every 15 fricken minutes and then it FAILED, of course!  Ahhhh!
  Alas I am very stubborn and tried many many ways to get it restarted (I use xdrip+ and x2) and my pump kept telling my phone it was a restart.  Xdrip+ kept trying to restart it but my pump was wrecking the whole thing.

So this morning when I finally got up I tried to start with no code, wait 15, stop, then start with code. This DID NOT WORK. My pump again said no restarts. 

So I decided to do a pump shut down to get the sensor session off my pump.  Of course I had to change the cartridge because it was too low on insulin.

I stopped sensor on my phone on xdrip+ and then started it with the sensor code.  It tried starting after about 30 minutes, asked for calibrations and then it said calibrations weren't accepted and it went back to the 2 hr warm up.  I almost cried, lol, I thought my restart attempt had finally failed.  Keeping in mind this was a BRAND NEW sensor last night at 8pm and I DID NOT want to have to sit on hold for a century with Dexcom for replacement.  I only changed it because my 17 day old sensor was going to crap, nonstop sensor errors and the alarms and vibrations were making me crazy.

So while I was cleaning today the sensor just started working on my phone, I only knew because I looked at my Fitbit Versa watch and my BG WAS ON IT!! I did a little cheer because I was so happy.  I got THREE HOURS OF SLEEP last night because of this STUPID freaking issue. Next time I'll be shutting blue tooth off, do a pump shut down to get it off my pump and go back to freaking sleep!!

So I hit start sensor on my x2 pump and skip code and it joined the session on my phone! I was very very happy to say the least.  So apparently the pump does have software that knows how to check for a new or restarted sensor but yet somehow xdrip+ and its restarting ability a day early bypasses the pumps software. I don't know, I just know I do NOT want to go through all that honkey bologna again. Three hours of sleep SUCKS!

So if you have a sensor be way way off and try to calibrate it just know it'll probably do the calibrate in 15 minutes annoying freaking thing and then finally fail. You can get it restarted, or at least this one did.

I tried waiting out the low 55 alarm but after 2 hours I wanted to smash my phone and pump with a hammer and of course I had to turn share off because my mom and husbands phones were blowing up!

I am ready for a damn nap!

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