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Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I had to ditch xdrip+ and go back to Dexcom app

#Diabetes #Dexcom #TandemDiabetes #Type1Diabetes #dsma

Well I love xdrip+, its predictions, ability to enter carbs, insulin doses and all the bells and whistles.  My Samsung Galaxy S8 phone, however, hates xdrip+ and refused to play well with the app.  It kept losing signal and refusing to re-pair without much work and frustration from me and a lot of swearing at my phone. Most of the signal loss issues were happening at night and so then my followers were in the dark.  I had to shut my missed signal alarm off because it was going off too much and making me craaaazy.

I was somewhat forced to xdrip so I could use my fitbit versa watch to see my blood sugar readings.  I chose Versa because it was just about the only Android compatible watch small enough for my tiny wrist.  I contacted the developer who made the Glance watchface to ask him if he was working towards a Glance watchface that used Dexcom as its data source instead of xdrip/nightscout/spike.  He replied, which I was really excited about, and told me yes, he was working on it and offered to let me be one of the people testing it out and report any issues.  I was incredibly happy because xdrip+ was wearing my patience very thin, as well all know t1d is frustrating enough as it is!

So I am testing out the Glance watchface for my own personal diabetes and loving it but missing the xdrip predictions almost as much. The Glance developer hopes to have it released in January.

I am really considering doing a nightscout website so I can go back to the awesome predictions and have the info on my watchface also...but first I have to figure out how to have enough peace and quiet from 2 kids and 2 very very rambunctious big dogs who are obsessed with having wrestling matches.

So just so you all know an easier Versa watchface is very close and you can keep using the Dexcom G6 official app!!

I love my Versa, as I love how it tracks my heart rate, sleeping, my strength training, steps and it is actually helping me stay on track with all of that and I have lowered my body fat a little bit more while still gaining muscle! I enjoy seeing how much sleep I actually got and then I know why I am so tired somedays.

So now I have to go back to manually restarting my sensors before they expire, which shouldnt be an issue since I had it down before I switched to xdrip.  Xdrip+ restarts your sensor on its own.

Keep up the good fight my fellow warriors!

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